Role-Playing? Adventure? Puzzle?
An iOS adventure game of 2021:
The Game Begins with a Story:
One day, Birdie fell asleep into a mysterious dream, spinning in a whirl in deep space.
And then she found herself set in a beautiful but unknown world.
And she walked through the fascinating sun-setting light,
being led by an indescribable force.
Continuous thundering, lightning around her…
When Birdie arrived at a certain place, it was in the middle of a forest which she had never heard of, full of strangeness and dreadful monsters.
However, it struck her mind that it is maybe an underworld that
might also reflect the world where she was.
At a loss to be standing there, a big campfire before her appeased little her fear.
And she started to pray, wishing for help from God.
Not only situated in a strange world but also, outside, humongous monsters lie in wait for the victim…
As an iOS adventure game of 2021, it may perk up when you’re tired of routinely repeating games.
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You can see more iOS adventure games of 2021 from this link as well: https://www.igeeksblog.com/best-iphone-ipad-adventure-games/
And here is more about this game: https://sungw.net/new-adventure-game-birdies-dream
– Swift Language in the development of the game:– The Dev Log in Game Development in Swift5. and Xcode: